Our Thoughts On The Unity Situation...

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Hello everyone! We'd like to share some news regarding Unity's recent pricing changes. Unity has introduced a new pricing model where developers are now charged for each installation of their games. This includes not only legitimate downloads but also reinstalls and even instances of piracy.

We believe this decision raises significant concerns due to its potential for abuse and serious challenges in effective regulation.

As fellow indie game developers, we empathize with Unity developers who have relied on the platform for years, only to encounter these unexpected changes. While we, too, used Unity in the past, we made the transition to the open-source Godot Engine several years ago. Since then, all of our games at CampTeam Games have been developed using the Godot Engine.

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We've noticed that many developers are currently exploring different game engines. Throughout our development journey, we have always tried and learned new things while creating our games with the Godot Engine. If you're considering learning Godot Engine, we're here happy to help you!

Below, you'll find a list of our current games. Feel free to explore them, and if you're interested in crafting similar games or utilizing similar mechanics, we'd be delighted to share some tips and tricks to help you get started with your projects!

The Callous Waterbuck Wall

A survival game set in a world taken over by creatures called The Callous. Humanity was forced to build high walls to keep them at bay, but was that even enough to keep what's left of them safe? Check it out...

Forklift Mayhem

Have you ever wanted to drive a forklift with a jet engine attached to it? How about creatures chasing your forklift, so you fight them with a minigun? Don't forget, action music plays in the background! Check it out...

Sands of Kindness

Combine the magic of procedural generation with the soothing charm of heartfelt storytelling. Immerse yourself in a game that's as calming as a desert breeze and as heartfelt as a conversation under a starlit sky. Check it out...

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The future of The Callous Waterbuck Wall:

Our game relies on the open-source Godot Engine, which shields us from the current situation's impact, ensuring our commitment to delivering you lovely people top-notch games.

As you're well aware, we've already listened to your valuable feedback in the past with a major update. Furthermore, we're excited to announce that we are currently planning on releasing another major update in the near future. This update will hopefully offer you an experience in The Callous Waterbuck Wall unlike anything you've encountered in our game before, and we can't wait to share it with you!

While we may continue to release minor updates until then, we can now say that we are very happy with where our game stands now. Therefore, now is truly one of the best times to play and experience The Callous Waterbuck Wall. Stay tuned for more exciting developments!

You can download the game here or by visiting our IndieDB page!

By downloading The Callous Waterbuck Wall you agree to our Terms and Conditions.

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About CampTeam Games

We are a group of friends that enjoy making games! Our goal has always been to make quality games, that we, ourselves, would actually enjoy playing and to fulfill such a great experience for others as well.

We've decided to make our game free to play, so anyone can dive into the excitement without any barriers. We wish to prove that a game doesn't have to have incredible graphics & animation and a hefty budget to be enjoyable.

So, join us on our journey and feel free to give constructive feedback to help us improve! If you find yourself captivated by the world of the Callous, we would greatly appreciate your support in spreading the word and sharing the game with others. We wish you a delightful experience!

The Callous Waterbuck Wall


©2023 CampTeam Games

The Callous Waterbuck Wall is created and developed by CampTeam Games

Get The Callous Waterbuck Wall (Demo)